Sunday, December 24, 2017

Happy Holidays!

No, really, HAPPY Holidays!

My mom is happy (two little pieces of my anatomy are gone)
The Handlers are happy (because I have stopped spraying)
And I'm happy because they're happy.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Well, hello there!

I do my best thinking in the bathroom.

I just thought I would mention that today was a milestone. Gorda, who is probably just over a year old has been in doggie training school for nine months, basically the entire time she has been with us after the incidents.

If you remember Muñeca ....and there were others....
It's been a long program.
And while the above picture was just taken Saturday, the chicken feather hanging from Gorda's mouth does not reflect a recent hors d'oeuvre.
You're probably saying "uh huh, sure...... "
Trust me, I counted them, not from the bathroom, but earlier today.

So on a leap of faith, all the chickens and Gorda have been left unsupervised today. Completely unsupervised.

Huge I say! Yuuuuge!

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Cleaning is overrated

Bet you wish it was socially acceptable to take dust baths, and leave a cloud of dust behind every time you're petted.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Taking a moment...

There are times when you just need to take in the moment, be the observer and mentally record the smells, sounds, and sights of that moment... I decided to take that moment at the Great Willow Tree.

They say that willow trees hold power. This particular tree was no match for a microburst that split a very large towering tree into three trees years ago. Or maybe ... that was part of the master plan for a great towering tree to develop into The Willow Arches. These arches are high enough for a person to walk under.

This was the location of the tragic demise of three goat does two years ago. Now it is a place filled with spirits. Good spirits. And where their descendents come to climb and play...

It is a happy place.
Blanca and Brute, September 2015
Almo and Mocha, October 2016
Gitana and Skip, November 2017
So here's hoping you take a moment, to just take it all in...


I just want to give you another picture of my Momma, one that is a little more complimentary of her. The Handlers think the world of her. I think one day, when I stop smelling so foul with my own spray, she'll start to love me.

My birthday is coming up, they say. How do they know? I'm a street cat.

(Uruguayan vets will neuter a male cat after they are 1 year old)

Saturday, November 18, 2017

My Momma

So, I mentioned earlier that I came to the farm with my momma. My momma doesn't really like me all that much. I'm not sure why; really, what's not to love?!?! My momma's name is Ines. Like me, she has certain spots around the farm that she really enjoys. One of them is a bit of a challenge to get to, and maybe for that reason she likes it...

The Handlers try to save water runoff from the roof in barrels. These barrels are dotted around the house, but two are strategically located off the back porch where the pitch allows for the greatest flow. The Handlers have covered the openings with material allowing the water to seep in. My momma enjoys lounging on those barrels the most.

Here she is 'livin' on the edge.'

And here she is after having experienced 'livin' on the edge...'
(You know when you're embarrassed with your mom, something she might have said or done, but don't really want to hurt her feelings or make fun of her... Oh come on, you've been there, just admit it!)

That's my momma.

That's all I have to say...

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Until we meet again, Paddles...

Paddles has passed.

Who's Paddles?

She was the Prime Moggie of New Zealand. She was part of (New Zealand) Prime Minister's Jacinda Ardern's family, a beautimus ginger and white puss who started her life on the streets and rose to be the First Cat of New Zealand. Pretty crazy, eh?

I fell in love with her because she was very sweet, talented, and had a way of wrapping humans around her paw. And she was gorgeous.

She got hit by a car this past week (death penalty coming to that individual....) #PrrpForever.

So who am I? My name is Kemosabe. I am also from the streets (of Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay). I came out to the farm with my mom in February to fulfill a need:
1) An empty emotional and physical space left behind by the late great Maine Coon Ricky who passed in January.
2) A growing tucu tucu population that needed attending to fairly quickly.

I was but a wee scrawny kitten. I caught my first mouse in less than 24 hours. My mom was also very skinny but she still managed to hog the entire couch in this early picture of us.

We found our forever home here.

So I've grown a lot since my arrival. I'm pretty much Hot Stuff right now primarily because I've yet to be neutered.

I started negotiating with the Handlers over the winter to take over responsibility of this Blog in return for fresh raw meat on a daily basis. It took some back and forth, but we have finally come to an understanding. The escribano (attorney/notary) wrote up the contract, added 4 stamped seals, and 16 paper copies later we're good to go.

So ...thanks for this opportunity to enter into your cyber space. My goal is to make you smile because my feeling is there's not enough of that happening these days.

I will leave you with a picture of me because...I'm a cat.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

The day the birds stopped....

A week ago today, the birds stopped their singing... The tucu tucu's were still... There was a quietness about the farm, if only for a bit.

And it was sad.

This gentle giant, Ricky, passed away.