Sunday, May 18, 2014

Scenes of Fall in Uruguay

Three years might be about the normal life span for Uruguayan boots worn every single day...especially if one drops a bow saw on each boot at different times...

The legs inside escaped harm.

No amount of Gorilla Glue repair could keep the water out, and so these boots were no longer meant for walking. They were re-purposed.

Scenes of Fall in Uruguay

Fresno (or Ash in English)

Agraulis Vanilla Maculosa

Espejitos (translates to "Mirrors" referring to the silver spots on the ventral side, that appear as fragments of a mirror) or Agraulis Vanilla Maculosa are common to South America. In the US they are called Gulf Fritillary. Today we happened to spot a male and a female. 

That dog tried to eat one...

Harvesting from the land: Flora vs Fauna

"Chicken Fat" doesn't always imply yummy, unless you're talking about Chicken Fat Mushrooms (Suillus Americanus) and these that Male Handler recently harvested were indeed yummy according to the Handlers.

Some greens from the orchard...Lengua de Vaca (Cow's Tongue)...

Spicy nasturtium from the front garden...

Prickly pear fruit from the massive and imposing cactus wind break...

My own preference is a tucu-tucu, but I just don't have the drive to catch these rodents for the Handlers. I'd much prefer to just eat them fresh. Immediately.

And seriously....eating that other stuff....come on, which would you prefer?

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Liquid Gold

The Handlers are pretty emphatic about not using chemical fertilizers or chemical pesticides or herbicides. It's no easy task to be true to the soil or careful about what flows downstream. So WHAT, you may ask, do they use to get such honking BIG tomatoes like these...

They use liquid gold...

Goat urine collected in a empty dulce de leche containers.

Like I's no easy task but certainly worth the effort!

Happy Mother's Day

To all the Mothers...

Nothing, absolutely nothing comes close to that special bond.

We wish you a very special day!