Saturday, January 25, 2014

Summer broke its hold...finally

Summer arrived on December 14th about the time that family from the northern hemisphere were gathering for Mini-Female Handler's (mFH) final show in Buenos Aires. Sweltering heat and humidity, breaking records not only here in Uruguay, but also in Brazil, Argentina and Chile (Paraguay's always hot...). 35+ deg C but usually with a cool down in the evenings.

Any rainfall was hardly measurable until Thursday night.

A storm started moving across the river after milking time.


Before noon the next day, the rain gauge measured 12cm of water. The almond trees are happy. The goats are happy. THAT dog is always happy. And I am happy for the cool down.

A toast to the memories of 2013

Good things happened, and unexpected and sad things happened...the Handlers toasted to the memories and experiences of 2013.

Mini-Female Handler promptly went to bed after this toast, and the other three Handlers and I, the goats, and THAT dog took in a midnight show of distant fireworks from our hilltop vantage point.