Sunday, November 12, 2017

Until we meet again, Paddles...

Paddles has passed.

Who's Paddles?

She was the Prime Moggie of New Zealand. She was part of (New Zealand) Prime Minister's Jacinda Ardern's family, a beautimus ginger and white puss who started her life on the streets and rose to be the First Cat of New Zealand. Pretty crazy, eh?

I fell in love with her because she was very sweet, talented, and had a way of wrapping humans around her paw. And she was gorgeous.

She got hit by a car this past week (death penalty coming to that individual....) #PrrpForever.

So who am I? My name is Kemosabe. I am also from the streets (of Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay). I came out to the farm with my mom in February to fulfill a need:
1) An empty emotional and physical space left behind by the late great Maine Coon Ricky who passed in January.
2) A growing tucu tucu population that needed attending to fairly quickly.

I was but a wee scrawny kitten. I caught my first mouse in less than 24 hours. My mom was also very skinny but she still managed to hog the entire couch in this early picture of us.

We found our forever home here.

So I've grown a lot since my arrival. I'm pretty much Hot Stuff right now primarily because I've yet to be neutered.

I started negotiating with the Handlers over the winter to take over responsibility of this Blog in return for fresh raw meat on a daily basis. It took some back and forth, but we have finally come to an understanding. The escribano (attorney/notary) wrote up the contract, added 4 stamped seals, and 16 paper copies later we're good to go.

So ...thanks for this opportunity to enter into your cyber space. My goal is to make you smile because my feeling is there's not enough of that happening these days.

I will leave you with a picture of me because...I'm a cat.

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