Saturday, November 18, 2017

My Momma

So, I mentioned earlier that I came to the farm with my momma. My momma doesn't really like me all that much. I'm not sure why; really, what's not to love?!?! My momma's name is Ines. Like me, she has certain spots around the farm that she really enjoys. One of them is a bit of a challenge to get to, and maybe for that reason she likes it...

The Handlers try to save water runoff from the roof in barrels. These barrels are dotted around the house, but two are strategically located off the back porch where the pitch allows for the greatest flow. The Handlers have covered the openings with material allowing the water to seep in. My momma enjoys lounging on those barrels the most.

Here she is 'livin' on the edge.'

And here she is after having experienced 'livin' on the edge...'
(You know when you're embarrassed with your mom, something she might have said or done, but don't really want to hurt her feelings or make fun of her... Oh come on, you've been there, just admit it!)

That's my momma.

That's all I have to say...

1 comment:

  1. Oh Momma kitty - I KNOW you meant to do that. "Totally intentional. Move along, nothing to see here." Glad to see you and Kemosabe posting from the farm. I was really missing the kitty posts and hoping that the universe would send along some feline babbies to help out the handlers!
