Saturday, June 16, 2012

Down Memory Lane

Female Handler (FH) had a visit by her childhood best friend and her husband, and I must say in advance, they are both cat lovers. Consequently I was doted on. What's not to love about that.

Anyway, their history goes back 45 years. LOTS of history. And when they got back together... they picked up where they last left off. Seamlessly.

They had to find an old cemetery as...that is just what they do. They had spent many a Saturday afternoon at a Chinese cemetery in NE Thailand during the 60s and early 70s, and so it was necessary to explore one in Colonia Uruguay as well.

And if their visit alone wasn't enough to excite the handlers, as the previous posting indicated, they brought a gift consisting of a reel lawn mower with them. I suspect FH started getting misty eyed when she saw that...Let us take a moment to appreciate the incredible hassle of excess luggage, odd stares by Argentinean customs, a crowd that surrounded Shawn as she slept on the bench with hand draped over the box waiting to board their ferry at the Buquebus Terminal in Buenos Aires, and the Uruguayan customs  inquisition on what was in the box. True to form, they asked for a receipt as no one in their right mind would bring a lawn mower into the country as baggage and it was probably a flat screen TV or something. Fortunately Bill had the receipt, and they were waved on. And Uruguayan customs had another story for their archives ...

Not only did Bill assemble the lawn mower, he decided to break a little sweat while Shawn was clipping around the trees. At this particular "spa" have to earn your hot water bottle at night...

Taking in a bird's eye view of Colonia from the lighthouse. 
Bill, checking to see if the door was unlocked so he could just sit in this beauty for a bit
Fortunately not every day and night was cold, but on this evening, it did take them awhile to remove their coats!
 Evening entertainment was reading old letters. All quite tame, but all very embarrassing. When the visit was over, FH felt like she had been visited by her best friend, and her best friend's mother. This gangly "space cadet" girl had become an intelligent, passionate, and hilariously funny Mrs. Forney.

It was an very special visit.

And did I tell you they loved cats? What's not to love...

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