Sunday, June 29, 2014

It is what it is...

Uruguay lost to Colombia... we deal with it. There's always the next Copa to look forward to. We can only hope to have gained something out of this, a better understanding of limits, a better understanding of boundaries, a better understanding that perhaps things aren't always so black and white, and interpretation is really not always in our control...

But alas, I am a cat, and really life should be simple. But it's not.

In anticipation of milking time being rather crazy at the milk shed on Saturday (milking time was during the Uruguay Colombia game), the Handlers did their milk shed shopping Friday evening. Not too long ago the Handlers left the country for a spell leaving the goats in the hands of caretakers who had never milked a goat before. Rather than overwhelming them with the need to milk twice a day in addition to the other duties, the Handlers decided to let Chochi go dry one month earlier than normal (she is due to deliver in early September). Since then, the Handlers have needed to make the weekly milk run for pure fresh cows milk. In addition to 9L of cows milk (U$135 or US$6), they got 24 eggs (U$120 or US$5.33) and an 8 kilo round of Queso Comun (U$1028 or US$45.68). 8 kilos (17.6 lbs) looks like this:

This will last the Handlers through the winter. They also consume blue cheese and goat cheese, but that's for another posting.

1 comment:

  1. WHAT is THAT??? Egg, milk, corn cake? Prices seem so high! Is that typical?
    Hey...if you add sugar, I might eat that!
