Sunday, April 20, 2014

Thanks Shawn and Bill

The handlers have some good friends, Bill and Shawn. I particularly like them because they never tire of scratching me.

On Bill's first trip (he's made three!) back in June of 2011 , he brought the Handlers tomato seeds. Female handler (FH) started two varieties this year. Actually she's started them EVERY year since she first acquired them, but this is the first year they have taken off. And given that it is fall, the tomatoes are on their last gasp, but they are going out strong.

The Green Zebras are particularly prolific and large.

 But the Brandywine aren't doing bad either!
The garden is being prepped for winter. Bamboo and an old steel bed headboard and footboard are in place for receive plastic to finish off the coldframe once the tomatoes are done. But getting the bamboo set up and anchored was another story. That dog kept walking away with the bamboo, no matter how long a piece it was. But after hours of this, she finally decided a nap was in order and collapsed in the pathway.


  1. Hey, that's my handlers's names! I'm Chuchu and I'm a cat too and live under the bed in Houston. I was homeless but my new handler Shawn brought me inside her warm house and fed me. Life looks pretty good down there in Uruguay. Some day when I get older and more adventurous I might go outside again like you!

    Your pal in Houston,

    1. Chuchu...there are no mice or tucu-tucus under the bed dude. Get out and smell the flowers. In due time, you'll be out and about I'm sure. Ask Trampy to be your lead, and Seymour cover your back end. Actually dogs are always covering the back end aren't they? This dog that has moved in here and made herself quite at home just won't quit smelling my butt. I keep telling her...."Don't touch my junk!" There seems to be a 'communication issue' but the paw is quicker than the eye and that usually conveys the message quicker.

  2. I'm the only cat in the house now. The handlers still speak about Trampy who is some kind of legend around here and Shep who passed at the vet a week after I moved in. Sheppy seemed like a good kitty I wish I knew him better. Seymour the dog is really nice for a dog. I like him a lot and he's my only furry friend here.

    I've been exploring my new house when no one's looking. At night when the handlers are asleep I play and run around and explore. I even dash around the house and dive under the tables when the handlers are up and about but they never see me because I'm so fast and sneaky and quiet as a mouse. I like to go up on top of the bed when they're there to be petted but not for very long. I feel safest under the bed while I get my life together but I'm starting to get around.
