Sunday, March 2, 2014

Guest Post from THAT Dog've heard me talk about THAT dog a few times. She's been on my case for the past 6 weeks or so to let her write something. She fancies herself a bit of a romantic, and that her story will get more hits than my pictures. I'm highly skeptical and chalk it up to her youthful naivete. Plus, she's a dog. Need I say more?

So... to show that I am capable of sharing space, I will let THAT dog write her Guest Post and be done with her nagging.
Thank you Ricky for indulging me. 

My name is Nostradamas. The Handlers call me Nostra or Nostradita. Really, I'll come to anything you want to call me. I'm about 11 months old best as I can tell. I was a Buenos Aires street dog and was looking desperately for an owner who was not too big, and not too small, one who had some muscle (to carry me in their backpack when they biked through the city), but yet could be tender with me (letting me sneak into their bed to cuddle under the covers). I was praying hard for such an owner... and then one day found her. She was as excited to find me as I was to find her. She is the love of my live. She also is Handlers' daughter (mini-Female Handler) and so got me my tramites (papers), shots, and brought me over to the Handlers' farm in Uruguay in mid December where I have been ever since.

I've had a few challenges adjusting to life on a farm. I got the parvovirus within a couple of weeks and was barely hanging on but managed to put that past me. I was a little intimidated with the goats and their horns having tested the limits of their patience a little bit too far. After a few direct body blows, I have now mastered what buttons to push, and what not to push. I have even attempted to take over managing at least one goat on a few occasions which is frankly more than Sir Ricky is capable of doing.

But mostly... I like to
1. Chase birds. I'll gladly spend a couple of hours in the orchard going from row to row chasing whatever bird happens to settle on an almond branch. 
2. Play with my rope. We found it on a walk and it's become my blankie of sorts.

3. Smell Ricky's butt.
4. Pick up trash with Male Handler

5. Take afternoon siestas with Male Handler on the cool floor

So while Ricky can have his highfalutin attitude about life, I've managed to sneak in and warm both Handlers' hearts. 

Life is very good.

Because this is primarily a cat blog, I would be remiss in not suggesting that you help out other cats in need even if it's a virtual adoption. My Montenegro fan, Sandra, suggests a shelter in Belgrade, Serbia called "Jessica Shelter" as they are really struggling with 146 cats right now. It is a no-kill, all volunteer run cat shelter. Their English website is, and donations can be done via paypal. Please help out as not all cats have such a cushy life like Sir Ricky.

1 comment:

  1. Those are some nice pics and good words. Keep up the work...
