Sunday, April 5, 2015

Let's get it on...

It is that time of year again, but Marvin Gaye did not need to set the stage this year. The stage was set for the Sonny back in late January. He's been grooming himself nearly all summer, waiting for the moment.

The does started going into heat this past week.

Sonny's silly ass grin...
One more to go, and then we need a good rain storm to wash Sonny down.  Until then, the Handlers will add lavender cuttings to his sleeping area.

Tallowed Front Door

The front door got tallowed today... I mean, why not?

Sure spiffed it up nice. For a brief bit the dogs (yes, plural...another story) were very keen to assist...

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Happy Easter!

May you find the egg of your dreams!
(mini-Male Handler....some 21 years ago)