Today Male Handler (MH) rode his bike to the nearby milk shed (called
Griegos, because the owners family came from Greece way back when...) to pick up a round of cheese. 8.5kg worth of cheese (18.7lbs) for Uy1,060 pesos (US$48). The handlers were running low as the last round was bought in July.
Mari and Asuncion, the proprietors, wanted to know why Female Handler (FH) never road the bike to get cheese. Well, the handlers have ONE bike, and FH was consumed with another task, but she did send good wishes and hoped that they were conveyed.
Anyway...that's not what this story is about. Just before turning into
Griegos, MH spotted road kill on the side of the road. He was pretty certain it was fresh and it was a fox.
Given his recent challenge skinning, he was keen to try it again.
Thankfully first he brought the cheese home. Had a cup of coffee....thought about how strange it might be to pick up road kill in an area where he knew the neighbors (it's one thing when you're a complete outsider and you can remain anonymous, but when everyone knows you're slightly eccentric, this only adds fuel to that image if caught putting a fox in your backpack and quickly peddling back up the hill).
He waited about 40 minutes until he thought that at least the milk shed would be shut tight until the evening hours...and then he left on a mission.
Three cars passed him while curling the fox into the backpack. Probably Argentinians anyway...
After arriving home, the fox went into the refrigerator. Double bagged. be dealt with after lunch.
After lunch, the skinning task began....but time was short, so was again bagged and stuck back into the refrigerator. This time three bags because things were getting ripe.
What is humorous is that after all that...MH was grossed out with finding two ticks on the fox. MH hates ticks. He really hates ticks. But he gutted a fox, and really WHAT does he expect to find from a wild animal in early Spring. Apparently not two ticks!