Keika and I were out most of the night. We enjoyed ourselves immensely but were ready to come in at first light. We headed for our respective Adirondack chairs once we were let in. This is how the conversation went between the handlers as I was trying my best to settle in for a morning nap...
Male Handler (MH) to Female Handler (FH)..."do you want to eat outside?" FH said "perfect". The temperatures have indeed been perfect lately and they've been eating most lunches outside enjoying the distant views of rows and rows of olives. This would have been their first breakfast outside.
The front door is quite large. It's really two doors that open in French door fashion. Going out them is a bit of a chore. I begin to hear the locks on the doors start to unlock (there are two of them). And then the floor bolt lift up. And then FH pulls the left door open, and immediately says "oh shish kabob" or something similar, and slams the door shut with such vigor that I am truly forced to delay my nap because of all the commotion. Seriously people, have some respect!
MH calls from around the corner in the kitchen asking "what's the matter?" FH answers "I just slammed the door on a snake!"
MH calmly replied "I knew you were going to say that..."
It was bound to happen that we'd have an unexpected visitor, but how MH knew it was going to be for breakfast is beyond all of us. FH severed the snake's head in the door...or rather nearly severed the snake's head as it was still attached to the rest of its body by a mere thin sinewy filament. The door is fine. The snake is not.