We have had an infestation of mosquitoes this fall. It started last week. Word has it they've come down from Brazil (damn Brazilians!). These aren't any ole mosquito. These are the species Aedes Aegypti brought in on the slave ships during the 16th century. While I appreciate the longevity of this species, you'd think that some organization would have made this a health priority to hinder its growth as this is the very species that carries Yellow Fever (hello...PAHO...anybody home?).
Female Handler has determined she can use her beekeeping hood for more than managing the bees in residence. She can also use it during goat chores .....or ANY outdoor activity.
And here she is...making a fashion statement as usual. Definitely runway ready.
If you do a closeup on the pants, you'll see the legs littered with dead mosquito remains. She is especially pleased with her latest squirt bottle that has a 20ft reach. A squirt on a goat is a gentle reminder that the almond trees are not to be nibbled on.
So these blood suckers have a life span of 2 weeks to a month. Now we're all wishing for an early winter arrival!